Thank you Volunteers

On behalf of the Freshkills Park Alliance and NYC Parks, we want to thank you- our volunteers- for the energy and committment you provided over the past year.   Knowing that everyone is balancing multiple priorities, it is incredibly meaningful to have had so much help from our volunteers and friends.

More than 100 individual volunteers have contributed over 500 hundred volunteer hours to support our mission of environmental stewardship and conservation.  Thank you to everyone who rolled up your sleeves, removed invasive species, collected debris, participated in upcycling workshops, assisted with local bioblitzes, helped hang birdboxes, and planted native wildflowers. Your impact revived and beautified Schmul Park, the New Springville Greenway, and the Freshkills Park Visitor Center.

We are grateful to have such an incredible family of environmental protectors and stewards at Freshkills Park.  A special thank you to NYC Parks staff for providing support and assistance throughout the year.

Please check out highlights from our 2021 volunteer season here.  Next Spring be sure to return to see our pollinator gardens in bloom.

While our volunteer season has concluded for the year, we eagerly await Spring to resume hosting regular events.  For more information and to volunteer with us in the future, fill out a volunteer application here and follow us on social media @freshkillspark.



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