Artists take on healing relationship with nature
An exhibition called Nurturing Nature: Artists Engage the Environment, at Concordia College’s OSilas Gallery in Bronxville, NY, features contemporary art projects focused on “healing our relationship with the living eco-system.”
This exhibition will focus on various spiritual or ethical traditions in relationship to our care of the planet, what Christianity terms ‘stewardship’, Tikkun Olam or ‘repair the world’ in Judaism, and in Buddhism ‘compassion for all sentient beings.’ … The artists in Nurturing Nature: Artists Engage the Environment will present works that focus on the healing and reverence of our planet in both a physical and metaphysical sense.
The show features artworks created through collaborations with botanists, biologists, ecologists and others to create works like ice books for reseeding watersheds, immersive personal biospheres, and a video documentation of the plight of urban trees. The show runs through April 16th.
(via Ecoartspace)