Your Gift Makes More Park Visits Possible

Help make Freshkills Park more accessible for biking, hiking, and kayaking.
This year almost 1,000 visitors explored Freshkills Park by bicycle. They rode the four mile loop road around East Park, saw the beautiful grasslands, wetlands, and woodlands, and experienced a Montana-like sky in New York City. Thanks to supporters like you, the Freshkills Park Alliance provides free bikes during events so that everyone has access to these unique opportunities. We are grateful to you for making this possible.
This is our year-end campaign. We want to raise $10,000 by December 31 so we can offer additional activities in 2019. All donations will help make Freshkills Park more accessible for biking, hiking, and kayaking so that more people can experience its singular transformation.
Won’t you make a special year-end contribution of $50, $100, or $200? You will be supporting the Alliance in its work to make Freshkills Park a haven for recreation as well as education, research, and art and a resource for all New Yorkers.
Make your gift through our online donation form, or if you prefer, send a check to the Freshkills Park Alliance, PO Box 719, New York, NY 10272.
Happy holidays, and peace in the New Year,
Eloise Hirsh
Freshkills Park Alliance President