The Wetland Machine

A rendering of the Wetland Machine by Image by Andropogon Associates

A diagram of the Wetland Machine's water recycling systems.

Another constructed wetland system, this time at the Sidwell Friend’s School in Washington D.C.  The Wetland Machine by Andropogon Associates, Kieran Timberlake Associates and Natural Systems International incorporates two self-contained systems to recycle water, one for wastewater and one for stormwater.  The wastewater system collects toilet and sink water from the school building in a treatment tank, then filters it out into artificial wetlands.  The wetland plants filter out the contaminants as the water drips through over a period of days.  It’s eventually returned to the building for greywater uses.  Woven alongside is a stormwater system that directs runoff from the building’s green roof into a pond that students can use for biology research.  The adjacent rain garden acts as a natural flood zone, absorbing excess water.  This is an admirably comprehensive site and systems plan for water management.

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