Help Freshkills Reclaim The Land

Dear Freshkills Park Supporter:

We hope your time with the Park this year was inspiring, enlightening, and fun. While the site is currently closed to the public, the Alliance offered over 6,000 visitors the opportunity to experience the Park through arts and science activities, hikes and tours, education programs and recreation events.

2020 is going to be a big year as we get ready to open the future North Park section that is currently under construction.  North Park is a major milestone in the Landfill to Park transformation and marks the first section of this huge site that will be freely open to the public.  We hope to build momentum and excitement with added opportunities for Park experience, so that more and more people will be able to preview that future.

This is our end of year campaign.  We aim to raise $25,000 by December 31st.  Both your participation in park activities and your donations will support the scientific research and recreational, educational and cultural programs planned for 2020.   You are playing a vital role in reclaiming this site as it is transformed into the incredible asset it is becoming.   Your contribution of $50, $100, $200 or more is part of the necessary community support that continues to assure the future of Freshkills Park.

Make your gift conveniently on our website,  If you prefer, send a check to the Freshkills Park Alliance, PO Box 719, New York, NY, 10272.

With gratitude,

Eloise Hirsh

President, Freshkills Park Alliance



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