Gas powered, naturally

This is pretty inspiring: Ohio Valley Creative Energy (OVCE) is trying to build art studios for glass, ceramics and metal work, powered by landfill gas.  They’re focused on public education about sustainability through artwork and big-idea design, and they worked with a group of art students from Meyzeek Middle school in Louisville, KY to create this stop-motion animated video demonstrating how methane gas can be used as a renewable energy source for use by arts facilities.


Like the Ohio Valley’s landfill, Fresh Kills has infrastructure in place to collect landfill gas generated by the anaerobic decomposition of organic materials, and the gas at Fresh Kills is also used as source of renewable energy. Approximately 10 million cubic feet of landfill gas is collected each day, and the purified methane extracted from it is used to heat up to 22,000 homes per day.  You can read more about landfill infrastructure systems at Fresh Kills on the official park website under the “About the Site” tab.

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