“Freshkills Park: Landscape in Motion” Public Programs

Fresh Kill Landfill, May 1996. Image courtesy of the Staten Island Advance and Staten Island Institute Archives.
The “Freshkills Park: Landscape in Motion” photography exhibition is now on display at the Staten Island Arts Culture Lounge. The collection of historical and contemporary photographs illustrate Freshkills Park’s ongoing transformation from landfill to public park. Over the course of the exhibition, associated public programs will be held at Freshkills Park and the Culture Lounge.
Parks of the Future Workshop with Iris VR – RSVP
Date: Thursday October 6
Time: 7pm
Experience the parks of the future with IrisVR and the latest in virtual reality technology. Learn about the tools and take a virtual tour of several projects in process by leading landscape architecture firms alongside the Freshkills Park: Landscape in Motion exhibition.
Capturing Change Photography Tour at Freshkills Park – RSVP
Date: Saturday October 15
Time: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Photographers are invited to tour closed sections of the landfill-to-park project and document the engineered landscape’s evolution.
The Altered Landscape: A Talk by Paul Moakley – RSVP
Date: Thursday October 20
Time: 7pm
Paul Moakley, photographer, curator, and deputy director of photography at TIME, will give a talk on the history of the human-altered landscape through photography from 1960-present.
Time and Place – RSVP
Date: Thursday November 17
Time: 7pm
The Department of Sanitation Artist-in-Residence, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, will discuss her pioneering 30+ year residency with the city agency and the evolving landfill-to-landscape at Freshkills with Mariel Villere (Freshkills Park Manager for Programs, Arts and Grants).
Landscape in Motion
September 22 – November 26, 2016
Culture Lounge/Staten Island Arts
10 Ferry Terminal Drive Staten Island, NY 10301
Monday-Friday: 11am-7pm; Saturdays: 12-5pm; closed Sundays
This exhibit is supported by Freshkills Park; NYC Councilmember Debi Rose; NYC Department of Cultural Affairs; NY State Council on the Arts; the Staten Island Advance; and our artist, individual, family, and business members. Printing for this exhibit was generously supported by Duggal visual solutions.
Organized by Mariel Villeré–Freshkills Park’s Manager for Programs, Arts and Grants.