Tags: development

Development Intern: Savannah Lust

Savannah Lust


Savannah Lust is a recent graduate of Purchase College, SUNY, where she double majored in Philosophy and Art History. She sees Freshkills Park as an exciting place to begin questioning our complex relationship to the environment, a question she’s interested in approaching through art and design.


Design and Development Internships

Freshkills Park is looking for a Development Intern and a Design Intern to join the small staff in the park project’s lower Manhattan headquarters. Both positions are part-time, will involve site visits and provide opportunities to collaboratively contribute to ongoing park planning and project implementation.


Farther Afield: Tianjin Eco-city

Located just a short drive outside of Beijing is a new city in development. Tianjin is one example of the several planned Eco-cities in China, where sustainable cities have become a relatively popular urban planning typology for formerly polluted areas. In the case of Tianjin, the one square mile reservoir was used to store a brine water solution containing Mercury and DDT, which damaged the area’s ecological functions.


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