“The Fantastic Voyage” Opening Reception

Design: Cole Orloff
On View at the New Freshkills Park Studio + Gallery
2240 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY
January 21 – May 20, 2018
Stefani Bardin and Assaf Tamir’s “The Fantastic Voyage” is an immersive installation exploring the role of food production in our personal health and the health of the environment. The multimedia and living installation displays footage from the first ever human subject trial using the Pill Cam gastroenterology device.
“The Fantastic Voyage” details and deconstructs how the human body responds to processed versus less processed and whole foods. The exhibit(s), both visual and scientific, make what is invisible, visible; and provide pathways toward regaining agency in our food system and a more holistic stewardship of our planet.
This is the first exhibition in the new Freshkills Park Studio + Gallery. The space will be open on select days for programs and viewing hours.
Directions to Freshkills Studio + Gallery
Driving from Verrazano Bridge:
- Take exit 10 off of 278 – W
- Merge onto Gannon Ave N.
- Turn Left at Victory Blvd. (first left)
- Turn Left on Richmond Ave.
- Take a slight right on Draper Pl.
- Freshkills Park Studio + Gallery is ahead on the right
Via public Transit from St. George
Via S44 Bus
- Take S44 toward SI Mall and Yukon Avenue
- Exit at Richmond Ave/ Travis Avenue
- Freshkills Park Studio + Gallery is ahead on the left
Via S40 to S59 Bus
- Take S40 toward Goethals Road via Richmond Terrace
- Exit at Richmond Terrace and Park Avenue
- Cross street and board the S59 bus toward Tottenville at the Richmond Terrace/Park Avenue stop
- Exit at Richmond Avenue / Travis Avenu
- Freshkills Park Studio + Gallery is ahead on the left