The future (and present) of NYC e-recycling

Electronic waste contains some pretty dangerous stuff and is best kept out of landfills.  Starting in 2010, disposal of electronics with your regular trash will be illegal in New York City, and any resident who throws electronics into their trash will be charged a $100 fine.  Instead, there will be designated bins for e-waste throughout the city, and collected electronics will be sorted, broken down into components and recycled.

And now the fun part: to get ready for the new e-waste collection system in New York, Valiant Technology has launched a design competition for the new e-waste logo and e-waste bin.  This will be a public domain logo that could come to be as recognizable as Gary Anderson’s recycling mobius strip!  Registration deadline is June 19th.


In the meantime, the Lower East Side Ecology Center is holding a series of e-recycling collection dates in Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx this month.  The LESEC has more information on what electronics you can recycle.  And whether you live in New York or not,’s recycling page is a good general resource for finding local locations to recycle goods, electronic and otherwise.

(via Treehugger and unconsumption)

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