NYC’s Comprehensive Waterfront Plan released

Mayor Bloomberg, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and City Planning Commissioner Amanda Burden present the Vision 2020 plan.
On Monday, the City of New York released Vision 2020: The New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan. The document will guide waterfront planning in the City over the next decade. It has eight overarching goals:
1. Expand public access
2. Enliven the waterfront
3. Support the working waterfront
4. Improve water quality
5. Restore the natural waterfront
6. Enhance the Blue Network
7. Improve government oversight
8. Increase climate resilience
The plan is the result of a year-long participatory effort, led by the NYC Department of City Planning, during which input was gathered from New Yorkers of all five boroughs on how to revitalize the water’s edge. Accompanying the plan is the New York City Waterfront Action Agenda, which outlines 130 key projects to be initiated within the next three years.