NYC garbage and composting initiatives

Steve Cohen’s Consilience editorial on New York City waste management offers some good examples of how other cities deal with their garbage and offers some alternative proposals for our current system, with a focus on composting.  He calls out the Lower East Side Ecology Center, which we’ve mentioned before, for its efforts to reduce the 47% of landfill waste that could otherwise be composted in New York City.

We figure that change starts at home: on June 25th, LESEC is hosting a workshop on indoor composting.  Participants will receive a coupon for discount on the purchase of a worm bin.  LESEC also collects household food scraps–60 tons of them a year–at its community garden in the Lower East Side and at the Union Square Greenmarket for use in making compost.  The final product, a high quality soil amendment, is called New York Paydirt and is available for purchase.

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