How my junk mail turned into this NYC pizza box
A clip from 2008 History Channel program “The Works” features Staten Island’s Pratt Industries, where more than half of New York City’s paper is recycled. This is a terrific clip that explains the infrastructure required for paper collection and processing as well as spelling out the steps of paper recycling. Some excellent names for equipment in this process:
- A Grappler grabs a handful of paper, weighing about 10 tons;
- The paper is dropped into the Pulper, which douses paper in 30,000 gallons of water, breaking it down into individual fibers;
- The paper pulp continues to break down in the Dump Chest, filtering out all plastic and metal contaminants;
- The pulp is poured into Drier Cans: steel drums, heated to about 350 degrees F, that evaporate all moisture and create sheets of paper about 20 miles long.
(via everydaytrash)